Danica Patrick Crash: Boyfriend Forces Her Into Coca-Cola 600 Wreck

Danica’s boyfriend Ricky Stenhouse Jr. may be to blame for her Coca Cola 600 crash — he bumped into her during lap 319 on May 26, sending her spiraling into the back of Brad Keselowski’s vehicle. Watch the video.

Danica Patrick may have slammed into the back of defending Sprint Cup champion Brad Keselowski’s vehicle during the Coca Cola 600 on May 26, but according to a report, her boyfriend Ricky Stenhouse Jr. may be the perpetrator.thumbnail

Danica Patrick Crashes In Coca Cola 600 Wreck — Caused By Ricky Stenhouse Jr.

Danica and Brad sustained significant damage and had to take their cars behind the wall for repairs, according to Us Weekly.
Surprisingly, Brad took the fall for the crash and apologized to Danica in a follow-up interview. ”I was three-wide with Danica and didn’t know it and I cut her off and wrecked her and myself,” he said. “I feel bad for her and I send my apologies to her. It’s just a long night for the Miller Lite Ford. We’ll move on. That’s all you can do.”
Brad finished 29th overall.

Danice Patrick Enjoys Dating Again

As far as Danica, 31, and Ricky, 25, are concerned, let’s hope what happens on the track, stays on the track. The couple has been openly dating since Danica’s divorce from physical therapist Paul Hospenthal earlier this year.
“I am sad to inform my fans that after seven years, Paul and I have decided to amicably end our marriage,” she wrote on Facebook on Nov. 20. “This isn’t easy for either of us, but mutually it has come to this. He has been an important person and friend in my life and that’s how we will remain moving forward.”
What do YOU think, HollywoodLifers? We’re happy that Danica is okay!

WATCH: NASCAR Sprint Cup Series — Brad Keselowski & Danica Patrick Crash

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