Are wedding bells ringing for Raymond Lam and Karena Ng?

Raymond Lam and Karena Ng
According to the Hong Kong media, Raymond Lam and Karena Ng are currently in the midst of wedding preparations, less than a year after their high-profile relationship came to light.

It was reported that Raymond’s father, a devout Buddhist, has secretly flown to Hong Kong to visit the Karmapa (head of the Karma Kagyu, a school of Tibetan Buddhism), whom he hopes will witness the wedding.

Raymond’s dad and sister were also believed to be holding their discussions with the actor at his mansion after they were spotted in the vicinity last Thursday.

Despite earlier reports claiming that Mr. Lam has been unhappy with Karena’s spending habits, he is said to have accepted his future daughter-in-law because of his son, and even intends to throw a hundred-table banquet in their hometown Xiamen.

Both Raymond and Karen have denied the marriage rumours, while the actress reiterated her wish to focus on her career at the moment.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 05:15

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