Dada Chan tries to play a wife

DaDa Chan Jing worked on a campaign for a slimming beauty company for the third year. This year she will not release any photo book. She admitted that photo book did not make as much money as acting. Earlier she won the Hong Kong Film Award Best Supporting Actress with VULGARIA (DAI JOOK HEI KET)'s "Popping Candy", but some felt that she did not rely on acting. They gave her pressure because her character stood out; she hoped to transition from playing sexy to relying on acting and receive recognition for it. However, she just guest starred in Pang Ho Cheung's new film and she still had to be sexy. The character was similar to "Popping Candy". "He said that it wasn't before, I was fooled. However it had some touching spots for balance." She would not mind being sexy if the role had potential. She revealed that later she will play a wife for the first time and she suggested for the film company to find a Korean hunk to play her husband.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 05:16

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