Khloe Kardashian's Romantic Birthday Present From Lamar Odom

It’s the simple things in life that matter, right? Khloe Kardashian seems to agree because a source tells EXCLUSIVELY that she’s ‘happy’ with the ‘smaller,’ ‘significant things’ Lamar gifts her with, especially on her birthday.

Khloe Kardashian is “happy, refreshed” and has a lot “to be thankful for” on her 29th birthday today, June 27, a source tells exclusively. It also doesn’t hurt that her husband, Lamar Odom, is showering her with lots of love today — in many ways!thumbnail

Lamar Odom: Khloe Kardashian’s Birthday Present — So Romantic

“Lamar personally picked out flowers for her. He hand-picked them, but had them wrapped with all the bells and whistles and delivered. Khloe’s a simple girl, much more easy going and more low-key than her sisters. She’s appreciative of the smaller things, the significant things, Lamar does for her. I’m sure there’s more gifts and a ‘special’ gift he’ll give her later — one only he can give her. She’ll love it,” a source close to the couple tells exclusively.
Sounds exciting! Based on past episodes of Khloe & Lamar, we know that the happy couple likes to get a little wild in the bedroom. Good for them!

Khloe Kardashian: Staying Away From North West On Birthday

Khloe is likely staying away from sister Kim Kardashian, Kanye West and their newborn baby North West on her birthday. Today’s her day, and she’s doing her own thing.
“She’s seen the baby. She loves her new niece, but I think today she’s going to do something else,” the source adds.
What do YOU think, HollywoodLifers? Are you a fan of Lamar’s gifts to Khloe?

Watch: Kanye West Supports Kim Kardashian Keeping Baby Weight 

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