Kim Kardashian & Kanye West's Baby's Name Revealed

After Kimye’s baby was welcomed to the world on June 15, the couple kept her name a secret — until now! According to a new report, the birth certificate has been revealed with a rather peculiar name on it.

Kim Kardashian, 32, and Kanye West, 36, are proud parents of a precious baby girl, but they were careful to keep her name a secret for a few days. However, a new report claims that the their baby girl’s name is North West.thumbnail

Kim Kardashian & Kanye West’s Baby’s Name

Although many were wondering if Kim and Kanye would go with another “K” name to keep in tradition with their own names — and Kim’s family’s own tradition — the birth certificate allegedly revealed the name of their baby daughter as North West, TMZ is reporting.
However, Kim and Kanye must have changed their minds because they were definitely set on a “K” name before this reveal.
Could it be? Could Kanye and Kim have named their daughter after a space needle direction?

Kim & Kanye Keep Their Baby’s Gender A Secret

Although the couple found out the gender of their baby as soon as they could, they kept it a secret from the public until the official reveal on Kim’s hit show Keeping Up with the Kardashians. In the episode, Kim visited the doctor’s office with her sisters Kourtney and Khloe and mom Kris Jenner, and the doctor revealed she was having a girl!
But the couple managed to keep it a secret by fooling people whenever they would buy baby clothes! They kept all of the purchases gender unspecific. She said on her reality show:
We buy all white. Or we'll go and buy both [girl and boy clothing], and then no one will know!
We’re glad we finally know the name of their baby girl! What do YOU think of the name, HollyMoms? Do you like it?

WATCH: Kim Kardashian Fights Back Against Pregnancy Weight Gain Insults

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Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 23:22

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