Fala Chen and Daniel Sit on the verge of breaking up

Rumours are rife that Fala Chen and her Neway heir partner, Daniel Sit's relationship is currently on a rocky path.

As reported on HK Channel, the issue started when Daniel's father impeded his plan to invest in Fala's new venture, an artiste management and recruitment company.

Sources claimed, "Daniel's father now favours his younger brother, Ernie since his wife, Maria Zhuge is pregnant. He doesn't want Daniel wasting money for Fala's business."

Sources alleged that Daniel's decision to not invest in Fala's company resulted in a quarrel between the two and that Fala had headed to United States to further her studies without the company of her partner.

The actress further fuelled the squabble when she updated her Weibo and posted, "I choose to remain silent because I do not want to lie. This is the last I could do for you and me".

Despite that, Fala denied that it meant anything, saying that it was just a lyric from a song.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 04:00

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