Linda Chung a Violent Inspector, No Longer a BB

Joe Ma returns to TVB for new series Tiger Cubs 2. Yesterday the press conference was held, the cast including Joe, Linda Chung, Oscar Leung, Him Law, Mandy Wong, Christine Kuo, Benjamin Yuen, Timmy Hung and Grace Wong attended. TVB also pushed out a birthday cake to celebrate his 45th birthday.

Joe said: "I'm happy to be back at TVB. I have a 2 year per-series contract with them. I'll shoot one series per year. I wonder if there will be Tiger Cubs 3? But its difficult to have a breakthrough in my role this time. I feel a little pressured." As for the female lead, Linda Chung replaced Jessica Hsuan. Linda plays a hot-tempered and violent CIB inspector. She showed the fake scars she had on her two arms, and joked: "I'm no longer a BB!"

Linda was asked about the rumor that her record company favored her more and made the other singers leave? She helplessly said: "Actually my boss cares about all his artists. I'm not a favored one. I've been with the company for 4 years before I get my own mini concert. The rumor has been a slight impact on me, covering up my hard work."

It was reported Christine has been madly letting out her "electricity" on Oscar Leung. Oscar joked after Christine "electrified" him, their relationship went a thousand miles. In the sequel, the two are a married couple, Oscar hoped there will be a bed scene. He said: "I can reveal my chest muscles and let Christine cuddle on my chest. We can sit on the bed and watch TV together. My nipples are pretty good looking." Christine looked like she had gained some weight, it was rumored she injected 'catgut' to lose weight? She said: "I don't know what catgut is. I am seeing a Chinese doctor now."

Source: Mingpao, Oriental Daily (images)

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 13:30

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