Matthew Morrison Engaged To Renee Puente

Congratulations! ‘Glee’ star Matthew Morrison and his gorgeous girlfriend of two years are engaged.

Matthew Morrison’s happy news was announced on stage at the White Tie and Tiara Ball in London on June 27. His good friends Elton John and David Furnish revealed that Matthew is engaged to Renee Puente!

Matthew Morrison Engaged To Renee Puente — Mr. Schuester’s Getting Hitched

In honor of the happy engagement news, Elton and Coldplay frontman Chris Mthumbnailartin sang a duet of "Your Song” and dedicated it to the 34-year-old Glee actor and his fiancee.
“They are thrilled. It is the first marriage for them both. He loves her so much. The theme of the night was love, which is so appropriate,” a source close to the star told E! News.

Renee Puente Shows Off Her Huge Engagement Ring

Matthew arrived at the event in a tailored suit and bow tie, while his new fiancée wore a gorgeous navy blue embroidered gown, along with a huge diamond on her ring finger!
The engaged duo stepped out for the first time as a couple, two years ago, at this very same event, Just Jared reports.
Matthew, who will return to the set of Glee very soon, in order to start filming season five, is currently promoting his new album Where It All Began in England.
We’re so happy for the couple and their very exciting news! What do YOU think, HollywoodLifers?
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