Universal internet slows after main attack in history

The internet around the world has been slowed down in what security experts are describing as the biggest cyber-attack of its type in history. A row between a spam-fighting set and hosting firm has sparked reprisal attacks affecting the wider internet. It is having an impact on popular services like Netflix - and experts worry it could rise to affect banking and email systems. Five national cyber-police-forces are investigating the attacks. 
Spamhaus, a group based in both London and Geneva, is a non-profit association which aims to assist email providers filter out spam and other unwanted content. To do this, the group maintains a number of blocklists a database of servers known to be being used for spiteful purposes. Recently, Spamhaus blocked servers maintained by Cyber bunker, a Dutch web host which states it will host anything with the exception of child pornography or terrorism-related material.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 22:49

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