Nicole Kidman's Cannes Hair – Two Braided Looks In Two days

Nicole joined the braided hair bandwagon at two different movie premieres in Cannes, France on May 25 and 26 — which hairdo was your fave? Vote below.

After she rocked a super futuristic, sleek hairdo on May 15, Nicole Kidman, 45, went for two romantic and subtly messy updos with braids for the premieres of Venus In Fur and Zulu at the Cannes Film Festival on May 25 and May 26, respectively. Are these looks better than her faux

Nicole Kidman’s Braids At Cannes — Two Looks In Two Days

First, Nicole hit the carpet for the Venus In Fur premiere at the Grand Theatre Lumiere on May 25. She wore a Chanel dress, Christian Louboutin shoes, and Fred Leighton jewels.
She rocked a slightly goth eye makeup look, wearing a dark brown eyeshadow. Her skin was smooth and flawless and she wore a dark red lip. Her blue eyes really popped against her whimsical hair. Although it just looked like a teased bun from the front, she back was intricately braided and twisted into a spiral bun of braids.
On May 26, Nicole looked stunning in a plunging white Giorgio Armani gown. For this look, she rocked a black smokey eye and wore false eyelashes. Her pinkish-red lip looked gorgeous against her outfit. Her hair was extremely voluminous and filled with tiny braids — it looks like there were about 10 braids, coming from all sides of her head!
She must be hiding a sock bun under those braids because there was just so much hair!
What do you think of her braided updos, HollywoodLifers? Vote on your favorite below!

WATCH: Cannes 2013 Day 11 — Nicole Kidman & More

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