Selena Gomez: 'Can't Wait To Be Home' With Justin Bieber

So sweet! Selena’s currently overseas doing some promotional work for ‘Come & Get It,’ but Justin appears to be at the forefront of her thoughts.

Their careers may keep Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez busy while apart, but the former Disney star is focused on reuniting with her on-again/off-again boyfriend upon her return home.

Selena Gomez: ‘Can’t Wait To Be Home’

“Happy Memorial Day! Can’t wait to be home,” Selena tweeted on May 27.
Meanwhile, Justin’s “focused.” He hasn’t tweeted since May 21, and he’s reportedly working on new music.
Despite her excitement, Selena, 20, is being cautious with Justin, 19, this time around. After everything she and Justin have gone through, she knows that she has to keep her guard up to protect herself from heartbreak again.

Selena Gomez: She’s Being Careful In Relationship With Justin Bieber

"She has told him that if he f***s with her emotions too much, she will drop him," a source tells exclusively.
Selena has a lot going on in her life right now with a hit song, an upcoming world tour and a forthcoming new album. She needs support from Justin, not disappointment.
"She needs to focus on her big tour," the source continues. "She's trying to be levelheaded and knows how important the shows are to her fans, so it won't be a surprise to him."
What do YOU think, HollywoodLifers? Are you excited to see Selena and Justin reunite?

WATCH: Selena Gomez Stands By Justin Bieber As He Gets Booed At Billboard Awards

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