'Bachelorette' Recap: Desiree Hartsock Finds Her Fiance On Season Premiere

‘The Bachelorette’ is back! Desiree has totally forgotten about Sean and she is ready to find love with one of the many eligible babes on the show. Hooray Desiree!

Desiree Hartsock is the coolest Bachelorette ever! Sean Lowe totally missed out, but all is good
because Desiree is back and she has a bunch of hot guys competing to be her husband. On the May 27 premiere of The Bachelorette, Desiree began her journey to find love, and she met some seriously eligible bachelors, including her future fiance!thumbnail

Desiree Hartsock Reflects On The Past

The episode began with Desiree reflecting on her past and how she missed out on a chance at love with Sean. Cue the sad music and pensive stares. Thankfully Desiree is totally over Sean and she is ready to have 25 hot guys vying for her attention! Desiree and Chris Harrison sit down and chat about what her ideal man would be like, and Desiree just wants someone she can “wholeheartedly give my whole heart too.”
That’s not too much to ask!
After rollerblading while wearing a stripper hat and chasing some seagulls, Des was ready to meet her men.

Desiree Hartsock Meets Her Contestants

Des meets her 25 eligible dudes, and they are some serious characters. There’s Michael who nearly falls into the fountain; Zak arrives shirtless and gets compared to a stripper, and also Kasey who only talks in hashtags. #shutup.
Des meets Ben, who brings his son Brody. What a move! Des is weak at the knees, but I think Ben may turn out to be this season’s Tierra LiCausi.
She meets hunky Brooks, Juan, Chris and the annoying magician Nick. Shirtless Zak jumps in the pool, and he and Ben get first impression roses.
I really thought the girls were bitchy on The Bachelor, but the boys are so much worse! Sexy doctor Larry has a bee in his bonnet because he is not getting alone time with Des, while Jonathon tries to force into the fantasy suite, resulting in him getting sent home early. Good call Des!
“At this point, my biggest competition is… the remaining guys who don’t have a rose,” Mikey T says deeply.

Elimination At The Rose Ceremony

Des sends home Diogo, Nick, Dr Larry, Micah and Mike R.
Oh well!
Between the boys bitchiness and Des’ one liners, I think this is going to be an awesome season.
And we know that Desiree finds a fiance!
What do YOU think HollywoodLifers? Did Desiree send the right guys home?

WATCH: Desiree Hartsock, Soulja Boy & Her Contestants Rap

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