Samsung Galaxy S4 with eye-tracking facility

Samsung has launched a smart phone which allows users to control its 5in screen by only their eyes. The Galaxy S4 follows on from last year's S3, an invention that solds over 40 million units universal. Analysts generally look upon Samsung to be the biggest challenger to Apple's dominance of mobile products. Subsequent the launch, shares in Samsung fell 1.7% in early trade in Seoul amid worries the market for phone upgrades was flattening out.
In addition, the "Smart Scroll" software analyses the user's eyes and wrist to scroll through emails and other content. Much was made of the device's facility to be controlled without touching it. In another scene, depicting a backpacker in Shanghai, the phone was shown to change English text into Chinese speech - before translating Chinese speech back into English text. According to telecoms expert Ernest Dokus, the first appearance of nifty eye motion-sensitive controls to allow users to pause video and scroll through pages using eye movements alone is smart.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 22:51

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