UEE and Kim Hyun Joong parody ‘Wind Blows in Winter’ on ‘Barefoot Friends’

The resident actor and actress on SBS’s ‘Barefoot Friends’ stepped into impromptu roles in a parody of ‘Wind Blows in Winter’ on the latest episode.

Traveling to Indonesia, the newest broadcast found the cast and crew given the mission, once again, to survive for 24 hours in the foreign country based on only what they could provide for themselves as a normal, everyday person.

Egged on by Kang Ho Dong and Yoon Jong Shin, UEE and Kim Hyun Joong ended up working together – providing the small screen with a beauty ratio that was simply out of this world.

Taking advantage of the unique opportunity, Kang Ho Dong told them, “The two of you look like a painting. We’ll get out of the way” – secretly letting them do all the work.

Motivations aside, UEE and Kim Hyun Joong soon found themselves engrossed in the job at hand, segueing into a parody of the SBS drama, ‘Work Blows in Winter’.

“I have a lot of money, but I came here to help oppa,” UEE told him. “If you have a lot of money, give me some. Please stop this,” Kim Hyun Joong replied in a drama tone.

Check out the full episode of ‘Barefoot Friends’ below!

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 22:46

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