Andy set off for Cannes: “I’ll be careful!”

Directed by Johnnie To, Blind Detective would be having a midnight screening at Festival de Cannes, male and female leads Andy Lau and Sammi Cheng would jet over to France to promote the film. Two nights ago, Andy set off to Cannes where close to 30 fans went to the airport to send him off.

When asked about the recent gunshot scare in Cannes, Andy quipped that he would only stay for two days but will be extremely careful. He answered: “Just being told about this, I’ll be careful.” When being asked what it felt to be going to Cannes, he answered: “It’s been some time I went there, would only know how it felt when I’ve reached Cannes.”

He only waved goodbye to the fans before swiftly entered the gantry.

When he arrived in Cannes Airport, he waved enthusiastically to the fans whom came to receive him, among them was a pregnant foreigner whom had met him some 10 years ago and she specially came to the airport to receive Andy as she wanted to tell her idol that she’s already married and pregnant!

Andy congratulates her and took a photograph with her.

Meanwhile, the film company also released the international poster for Blind Detective. In the new poster, the two leads were placed inside the eyes of the skull, with Andy standing holding onto a blind man stick whereas Sammi was seated. This silver screen best partner got together to solve a long mystery case which resemble them to the Chinese version of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Hamish Watson. In addition, the promotional slogan “heart blind is mystery, eyes blind is clear” revealed the strong suspense of the film.

Blind Detective was picked by the committee among 1858 films for the midnight screening, it was picked because the film would make audience scream and applause for watching a good film.

Source: Sing Tao News, Wei Wen Po, Headline Daily, Liberty Times, Macao Daily, AM730, Ming Pao, Apple Daily News,

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 22:36

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