Zhang Ziyi gives high praises to A Touch Of Sin

Zhang Ziyi is a member of the Cannes Film Festival Un Certain Regard jury. While in Cannes she took the chance to enjoy work of different directors. Yesterday she enjoyed Jia Zhangke's film in competition, A TOUCH OF SIN. Afterward she had nothing but praise online. "Not apt at metaphors, Jia Zhangke made an achievement with A TOUCH OF SIN. A group of little people who we have turned a blind eye to emerged in the great era. Thank you Jia Zhangke for displaying film's alternative power!"

She also said, "Today is the third day of the Cannes Film Festival, so far I have watched 6 films, followed 6 directors through 6 different life experience and experienced the heaven, earth and human nature behind the 6 stories. All the styles are different, the rewards are different."

Source: Mingpao, Singtao, on.cc

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 22:37

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