Ed Sheeran Performs 'Lego House' At Billboard Music Awards

thumbnailThe lovable crooner did it again on May 19, busting out one of his stripped down acoustic tracks for the 2013 Billboard Music Awards. Tell us what you think of his sexy performance!

Ed Sheeran, you sir, are the new king of romantic unplugged music. The 22-year-old singer-songwriter was a welcome reprieve from all the high energy acts like Selena Gomez and Chris
Brown, as he remained true to his style and played the dreamy song “Lego House.”

Ed Sheeran Performs At The 2013 Billboard Music Awards

We still have to give it up for Ed, who always looks so bare and vulnerable all by himself on these big stages. The Billboard Music Awards was no different — all eyes were on Ed and he came through with a stirring rendition of “Lego House.”
As his BFF Taylor Swift looked on, Ed definitely made the rest of the ladies swoon, soulfully singing lines like “Of all these things I’ve done I think I love you better now.” And with Christmas lights twinkling at his feet the BBMAs were turned into an intimate coffee house for about four lovely minutes.
With a list of performers of Justin Bieber, Selena, and Chris Brown and more, there’s no doubt that Ed’s the rookie of the bunch. But it’s safe to say he held his own, and proved that soft singer-songwriter jams can be just as alluring as bangers like “Come & Get It” and “Fine China.”
Talking to Billboard.com the day before the performance, Ed joked that his performance would get lost among his flashier peers. “Don’t expect much,” he said. “I don’t have any dancers.”
But we were definitely okay with that! There’s nothing wrong with a little chill out in between the many high-flying acts at the BBMAs, right HollywoodLifers? Let us know what you thought of Ed’s performance below!

WATCH: Ed Sheeran On Performing At The Billboard Music Awards

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Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 22:35

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