Taylor Swift's Sexy Cat Eye At Billboard Awards — Get The Look

thumbnailTaylor rocked a super dramatic cat eye at the Billboard Music Awards on May 19 in Las Vegas. We’ll help you get the sexy look below!

Taylor looked stunning in a super short and sexy blue Zuhair Murad dress at the 2013 Billboard Music Awards, held at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nev. on May 19. We loved her eye makeup — we’ll tell how how to copy Tay Tay’s look below!

Taylor Swift’s At BBMA — Stunning Pony & Smokey Eye

Taylor pulled her naturally curly hair into a cute ponytail. There was a slight tease at the crown and a soft wave in her pony.
Although her hair was simple and low-key, her eye makeup was sharp and dramatic. She wore a super thick, smokey cat eye. To get a look like Taylor, use a liquid liner like Maybelline Line Stiletto Ultimate Precision Liquid Eyeliner.

The flexible felt tip pen makes it super easy to draw a precise line, even if you’ve never used a liquid liner before. It helps to use a counter to steady your elbow and I like to pull out my eye slightly to get as close as possible to the lash line.
This liner comes in black-black and black-brown and lasts up to eight hours. It also dries super fast to prevent smudges.
For extra drama, as you line your bottom lash line, continue up and out slightly for the perfect cat eye effect.
Will you try a cat eye like Taylor, HollywoodLifers? Tell us below.

WATCH: Taylor Swift & Selena Gomez Billboard Awards Best Dressed

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Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 22:32

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