Justin Bieber Wins Milestone Award & Disses His Haters At BBMA

thumbnailJustin is over his haters everyone! When accepting the Milestone Award at the 2013 Billboard Awards, Justin thanked his parents, Jesus Christ and his fans, while saying he is sick of the ‘bull’ he deals with.

Justin Bieber won two awards at the Billboard Awards on May 19, and for his second speech he totally dissed all his critics! Justin said that at 19-years-old, he achieved more that he could have even hoped for, and while he thanked pretty much everyone he knows, he did not mention his on and off again girlfriend Selena Gomez. Uh oh!

Justin Bieber Wins At Billboard Awards

Justin was presented the award by Cee Lo Green, and when he took to stage he gave a pretty interesting speech.
Justin said that his career was all about his fans, and that he was tired of all the “bull” he has to deal with. He than said he loved his mom, his dad, his younger siblings and Jesus Christ, but he failed to mention Selena.
Maybe that is why she and Taylor Swift threw shade when he collected his first award!
Justin was riding high all night, as not only did he win two awards, he also stole the show with his epic performance of “#thatpower” with Will.i.am, and he sang his new hit song “Take You.”

Justin Bieber Sings ‘Take You’

Justin’s performance of “Take You” was totally awesome!
Wearing aviator sunglasses, leather trousers and a black tank top, Justin jumped out of a pod and danced with a group of sexy girls. He totally stole the show with his awesome moves!
What do YOU think of Justin’s speech, HollywoodLifers? Is he right to ignore the haters?

WATCH: Selena Gomez Performs For Justin Bieber At Billboard Awards

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Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 22:31

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