Christina Aguilera Shows Off Sexy Weight Loss During BBMA Performance

thumbnailJoined by Pitbull and a special surprise guest, Christina wowed the crowd at the 2013 Billboard Music Awards with a crazy hot performance — but it was her gorgeous body that really had everyone talking! Looking good, Christina Aguilera! There were a lot of sexy singers at the 2013 Billboard Music Awards on May 19, but the diva definitely stood out when she took the stage with Pitbull to perform “Feel This Moment” and showed off her newly svelte body. Do you think this is the best she’s ever looked?

Christina Aguilera: Her Sexy BBMA Performance

Christina and Pitbull, both 32, got the energy of the crowd at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas up with a rousing performance of “Feel This Moment” that had everybody singing along — and then surprised all of us when Morten Harket, the lead singer of ’80s pop band A-ha, came out to sing “Take On Me” with them!
Wearing a flirty black mini, The Voice judge showed off her toned legs and slimmer figure.  She looks phenomenal! She’s lost over 20 pounds, and has talked in the past about her struggles with weight in the February 2012 issue of Marie Claire:
"I have certain physical features that I favor over others. We all have our areas," Christina said. "When I worked on Burlesque, I lost so much weight that I was too skinny. I don't weigh myself — it's all about how I feel in my clothes. What looks good on one person might not look good on another body type. I happen to be very confident in my own skin. It takes time to get to that place, but it's all about embracing yourself and your body."
Do you love Christina’s sexy body, HollywoodLifers? What did you think of her performance?

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