Hottest Hunks At The 2013 BBMAs — Chris Brown, Emblem3 & More

thumbnailMusic’s sexiest men arrived at the 2013 Billboard Music Awards dressed to impress, and we loved all of the hunks’ looks on the blue carpet! Look through our gallery and tells us who YOU think is the hottest!

Some of the hottest men in music put their most stylish foot forward during the 2013 Billboard Music Awards on May 19, and arrived on the blue carpet looking more handsome and dapper than ever! We loved the mix of casual ensembles and stylish suits on the carpet.

Billboard Awards Men’s Fashion — Chris Brown & Austin Mahone’s Dressed Down Looks

Chris Brown arrived on the blue carpet looking noticeably more dressed down in a printed sweater and leather pants. He looked stone-faced on the carpet, and his mean mug matched his edgy tattoos and jewelry. But for Chris’ performance at the Billboard Music Awards, he totally dressed up his look in a dapper all-black suit — and he looked so handsome!
He even managed to show off his dance moves in his dressed-up look, which was even more impressive! We prefer Chris in a suit than his sweater look, but he looked great all night.
Austin Mahone also showed up more dressed down in jeans and a letterman jacket, with just a T-shirt underneath. He topped off his look with a pair of sneakers, but his adorable smile totally made up for his casual ensemble!

Miguel & Will.I.Am Show Off Their Stylish Suits

However, some other guests were on the other end of the fashion spectrum, and showed up looking dapper and stylish in more dressed up outfits. Miguel looked incredibly handsome in his all-black suit, and his big black sunglasses made him look even cooler!
Will.I.Am rocked the black-and-white trend for spring with a crisp white shirt and white suit jacket. He topped off his look with some animal-printed loafers — so fun!
What did YOU think of the guys at the 2013 BBMAs, HollywoodLifers? Who do YOU think looked the best?

WATCH: Billboard Awards 2013 Best Dressed: Taylor Swift & Selena Gomez

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Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 22:23

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