Nicki Minaj Gives Lil Wayne Raunchy Lap Dance At Billboard Awards

thumbnailNicki is known for her sexy booty dancing, but she took it to the next level when she grinded on Lil Wayne in front of millions who were watching her performance of ‘High School’! Were you shocked by their ultra racy performance?

Nicki Minaj took home the prize for Top Rap Artist at the 2013 Billboard Music Awards, but the major excitement of the night
came when the diva performed her hit song “High School” with rapper Lil Wayne — and gave him a super sexy, but majorly shocking lap dance on stage for all to see!

Nicki Minaj & Lil Wayne’s X-Rated BBMA Performance

When the 30-year-old rapper took the stage at MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas on May 19, she was rocking a Chanel baseball cap, hot short shorts, and a rocker spiked and studded jacket that she stripped off when Lil Wayne joined her on stage.
Their song “High School” is about adultery, and they definitely kept up that risqué theme as Nicki showed off her booty dancing skills! But that’s not all — steamy backup dancers brought out a chair for Lil Wayne so Nicki could give him an erotic lap dance!
As she bumped and grinded on him, Nicki finished her naughty dance with a sexually explicit move — touching her vagina in an x-rated display!
How scandalous!
The duo finished the performance when Lil Wayne pointed at her infamous behind and grinned. They were by far the most shocking thing to happen to the Billboard Awards, don’t you think?
What do YOU think, HollywoodLifers? Did you love Nicki’s performance?

WATCH: Billboard Music Awards Live Stream — Watch The Blue Carpet Online

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Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 22:24

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